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you got it all
你得到了一切 你的所有  detail>>
you’ve got it all
你巳拥有我全部  detail>>
all you got to do is call
所有你要做的是呼吁  detail>>
you’ve got it all wrong
你完全搞错了  detail>>
he got uand left you there all alone
他把你留在孤独中  detail>>
when all you got is one thin dime
当你只剩下最后一枚硬币的时候  detail>>
all the things you do, e back to you
你的付出,终究会得到回报  detail>>
e to all her likes, you are a wimp
如果你完全同她的话  detail>>
got to be you
爱你不论代价 放手一搏 痞子把辣妹 求爱行动  detail>>
got you
该怎么形容 骗到你了吧 这感觉该怎麽形容  detail>>
you got
是你  detail>>
you got it
没问题 你得到它了 你明啦 你说对啦 我马上照办  detail>>
you asked for it you got it
所求即所得  detail>>
you asked for it,you got it
所求即所得  detail>>
all i’ve got
我所拥有的  detail>>
all the passengers got on board in the
及时“  detail>>
got all in a panic
惊恐万分  detail>>
got out of bed at all
想知道为何辗转难眠  detail>>